Christian Storyteller’s Newsletter
Journey To Authordom


Cause it's almost Christmas and it's the season to give! Are you a business owner, an entrepreneur, or a creative of any sort, and would like to get your works out there? I can't sow a seed into your ministry with cash but here's my offer to help. Send me a message however you can, saying how you got this information, what you do, and what you'd like me to share on your behalf. Perhaps via a direct message on Instagram or via WhatsApp if you happen to have my line. To understand better, listen! 

ps. there's no other requirement to get this done. Just follow the instructions in this episode and that's it.

Christian Storyteller’s Newsletter
Journey To Authordom
It's a moving train! Ore takes you on a journey of self discovery, growth, finding your niche and becoming the author you desire. Expect a few stories you can learn from and be entertained with, and some practical tips to help in your writing. She sees this podcast as a thank you to the community that has helped her grow and a way to help others grow as well.
This is a success story, however long it may take. Get on board! Let's grow together.
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